Under 10g Movement, a foundation established by Good Source Foods to fight Childhood Obesity. Our goal is to raise $1,000,000.
Any way you look at it there is NO justifiable reason
for ANY processed snack, food, or drink
to contain more than 10 GRAMS of sugar per serving.
Because major food processors know that sugar stimulates the appetite causing people to over-eat their products making them buy more.
There is a name for it: It’s called “bliss point” marketing.
It is an intentionally deceptive business practice.
It has been going on in the US for almost 70 years.
The day of reconning is coming for the high-taste, high-sugar industry.
Our objective is to bring it on!
• The obesity epidemic is the elephant in the room of our healthcare system with the annual costs of obesity-related illness now exceeding $190 billion, or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the US.
Medical experts know that obesity and lack of exercise are the leading causes of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, type-2 diabetes, stroke, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, cancer, clinical depression, and anxiety which together can shorten life expectancy by as much as 10 years.
Today, nearly 1 of 4 children and teens in developed countries are overweight or obese. The prevalence of obesity is 14% among 2 - 5 year-olds, 18% among 6 - 11 year-olds, and 21% among 12 - 19 year-olds.
Obese children have 3-4 times more fat cells in their bodies than normal weight children, cells that will stay with them their entire life and make it difficult to control their weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, insulin response, and pulmonary functions that cause asthma and sleep apnea.
Childhood obesity also takes an emotional toll and has other related socio-economic consequences—most fat kids don’t have as many friends, don’t engage in normal physical activities, don’t have normal spousal relationships when they grow up, and don’t get the good jobs for which they otherwise qualify. And it’s not their fault!
Which is why we are starting the Under 10 Grams Movement
to combat childhood obesity.
The lifetime burdens of obesity fall particularly hard on busy working-class families and inner-city communities which is why money in our foundation will be aimed first at combating childhood obesities in low income neighborhoods, by doing the following:
1. Education:
Developing an entertaining and educational toolkit that teaches kids about healthy eating and lifestyles, catered to their communities with outreach to local schools and community centers.
Working with local schools and community grocers to enrich and subsidize their food buying programs to provide more fresh foods and healthy snack options. Funding youth athletic programs to get kids moving while having fun.
3. Support:
Providing a network of partners (community leaders) who collaborate to ensure we perpetuate the Under 10g Movement with media outreach to educate via local outreach campaign programs.